Just a thought - should images that have no connection to reality be shown in our photography gallery?
and Chris concluded after the discussion:
However the consensus is that I should desist in my computer graphics for this forum and I'll try to remember to abide by that rule in future.
Andy, Chris, others,
How about opening a one-time gallery for PF'ers to show their best computer-enhanced photography (-graphics?).
The only restriction might be that the work originates from picture created with a camera system - i.e. light impressions on a photosensitive medium. There could be a deadline - perhaps one month - for posting the work. Discussions could take place in this Forum around the various contributions.
Obviously this project will be of greater interest to those who like to explore this side of photography, but I'm sure that most members of this group have played with the computer to enhance their work beyond just burning and dodging.
Just a thought that crosses my mind as I'm working my way back into this group..
Guy Gorieux