Re: no question too stupid?

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Hmm.  Shall we go back to the beginning?

No, your lens will not be the same on your D70 as on a film camera, because the sensor which collects the data of which the image is composed is not the same physical size as a piece of 35mm film.

It is smaller. It is 25% smaller. It will make your image look like the center 75% of what you would get if you were shooting on to film.

So a 50mm lens will appear to produce an image similar to a 75mm lens. A 100mm lens will appear to be the same as a 150mm lens.

This is great for long zooms, but a problem for wide angles. If you routinely shoot around 24mm, you will need something in the ballpark of a 17mm lens.

Fortunately, it remains in the same 2:3 ratio of 35mm film, although some may not agree that that's so fortunate....

If you routinely spend lots of satisfying time in your b&w darkroom, you might want to take some courses in Photoshop, because your computer will be the darkroom for the images you collect with your D70. Your desktop inkjet printer may not be very satisfying, but do not despair. There are fabulous resources of papers, printers and inks for b&w printing.

And you will save lots of water, as well as your lungs, making the switch.

However, you will spend lots of time learning and getting control over all your new resources - possibly more time than you spend in the darkroom!

Welcome to the 21st century!
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography

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