Bob Talbot wrote:
Interesting, but note that was published in 1997. The Patriot Act does give authorities powers that were not in effect then. I keep
hearing about this "Patriot Act". Must read up about it!!!!
It may be a necessary thing, I'm not expert at national security, but it is scary in its implications and possible attenuation of individual liberty and rights.
Even if you have the absolute right to photograph, the police now seem to have the power to arrest you "on suspicion" which will be a hassle at best.
Don't you risk ending up in Guatanamo bay, or is that reserved for us foreigners?
Just you blokes will end up at Gitmo. But it does have a great climate I'm told.
I've read quite a few reports of over-zealous policing - Thnks: "Oh, he's stood out in the open witha big camera and a tripod, maybe he's trying to take covert pictures"
Of course, over zealous policing has been going on for years in every locale and venue. The exercise of power is satisfying to many people.
Don Roberts * Bittersweet Productions * Iowa City, IA
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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. --Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.