I shoot with 2 Nikon D100s almost everyday. To set an accurate white balance I use an Expo Disc (www.expodisc.com). Expodisc instructions provide step by step instruction for various digital slrs, including the D100. If you don't want to spend the money on an Expo Disc use a strofoam coffee cup or 2 to 3 coffee filters. See the following links on coffee filter white ballance: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,11868590~mode=flat~start=0 http://www.pbase.com/leebase/expodisc_vs_coffee_filter http://www.onetalentsource.com/view_article/18/ A search at google.com "expodisc coffee" will provide several more references. Hope this helps. Dennis --- In photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PhotoRoy6@xxxx wrote: > I never did get an accurate color on the Christmas ribbon on the lamp post > dispite using all the different white balance options. My conclusion is that the > ribbon has optical brightners which either fools the eyes or fools the > camera. That leads to the question do digital camera pick up UV light or are they > blind to it? > I did determine that setting the white balance manually was better than auto > in most cases but was still able to fool the manual set balance when I had > just a purple towel 50% of picture and a sidewalk for 50% of the picture. In this > situation the automatic white balance produced more accurate results. I also > found an extra menu item on a separate page that looks like one can set the > white balance using a white/ or grey card and will check the directtion book > about it. Digital cameras are mor like video cameras than tradional still cameras > in fuctining.