-----Original Message-----
Christopher Strevens - John John looks frightened and confused.
Absolutely! Spot On! He has never worked since he was discharged from the British army in about 1960 and has received psychiatric treatment ever since. He was just about to see a psychiatrist and feared another session in an institution. I saw him the other day. Then he did not turn up to received his photo. Yes he is frightened and confused and on pills – for forty years. Do psychiatrists ever release their victims?
Let us have some pictures published of the atrocities by psychiatrists. Close the institutions! Sack the psychiatrists! I am calling for a review of the treatment of those who are liable to psychiatric attack. Let the science of medicine find a better way of treating this form of sickness. The knife kills the mind of the patient all together, the various pills only stupefy and the words of the psychiatrist confuse and add to the patients suffering. There must be a better way.