I've only now aquired my first DSLR, so I'm fairly new to this. But does every digital camera tag the RAW file with the WB setting on the camera when the exposure was taken? Because normally the WB setting has no effect on the RAW file itself and it doesn't really matter what the WB setting is. -dan c. At 12:27 PM 19-12-04 +1100, Deen Hameed wrote: >At 2004-12-19, 10:05:36 James B. Davis (jbdavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: > >>The reason I use a preset WB and not AWB when shooting RAW is >>consistant WB. I can then change ALL images to the proper WB in >>software, with one click. >> >>If they're all slightly different, you have to change each >>individually. >> >Jim, > > That's why I said I would use AutoWB when shooting RAW in _changeable light_. It's not always viable to use any preset WB (measured or otherwise) if the conditions are changing. > > Changing the WB from Auto-WB to any preset in RAW mode is just as easy regardless of whatever the camera chose anyway. If all the images were shot in a specific light, I could just make adjustments to one image (in this case, among other things, set the specific colour temperature) and then apply the same adjustments to all the images I chose to with Nikon Capture. > > I don't know Capture One and how it works with the Canons to make a call on your workflow. > >Deen > >