The problem, Bob, is that with no electricity, there's no
processing. That's why when you go into these villages that recently got
electricity, there's no base of film users. There might be someone in the
village who knows how to process black and white film, but there's no
temperature control, often no clean supply of running water, and absolutely
no way to run the enlarger. Film makes no sense in a poor village with no
electricity. With electricity being introduced recently, it's easy to have
a shop with a Frontier and sell digital cameras to the locals.
At 03:19 PM 12/15/2004, Bob Talbot wrote:
The parts I visited mostly
had no elctricity: an old mechanical camera and a bag of film really
are reliable.If sommat goes wrong, you just give it a clout.
Jeff Spirer
One People:
Surfaces and Marks: