Re: Gallery comments - Jeff's shot.

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> I don;t usually comment on the gallery but 2 images have really
struck me:
> Jeff Spirer Boxer:   Great image.  All the power, sweat and hardwork
> reflected on that picture.
> Is this a film or digital image?


that's three people liked Jeff's shot so time maybe to redress the

What don't I like about it?

Content wise it's fine
Reaction? The immediate impact on the back of my eyeballs was against
was against the overly harsh lighting
Aesthetically, it's well conceived, it's certainly original
It's the practical aspect of finishing that for me let it down.
- I actually have no idea how it was done, but it gives the impression
of being over-sharpened.  Why?  Was it to counter the softness on the
boxer's right shoulder (focus being on his head) or was it just a
consequence of fighting to bring out detail from the shadows?

Was it digital or film is a good question.
Saved as a jpeg there is no way to salvage those burned out
highlights.  Saved as raw (or even on good old negative film) then a
rework could improve it greatly.

Really I'm saying I like it - just not as presented.


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