The thin metallic film is destroyed, so everything is gone.
You can test this by putting one of thoe AOL Cds in the microwave oven for 3 to 5 seconds... it's retty cool actually!
At 11:29 AM 6/30/04, you wrote:
If you submit digital files, you must FedEx them or have them hand carried. The US anthrax scare has resulted in all mail going to the government in DC being irradiated, which destroys CDs. Melts them, I understand.
Pablo Coronel Ph.D. Candidate Food Science Department North Carolina State University Room 39 Schaub Hall, Box 7624 Raleigh, NC, 27695
Phone (919) 515-4410 Fax (919) 515-7124 e-Fax (419) 818-7590 e-mail pcorone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx