<<<Didn't mean to seem rude, Andy. I just think anyone who reviews should occasionally contribute something themselves. I look forward to seeing one from David one day.>>> David has contributed images in the past - one I remember had a bonfire in it (?). But as to being proscriptive: reviewing to me is a contribution in itself. Luis, IMO the list's best reviewer, never submitted an image to the gallery that I remember but his reviews were unparalled. <<< In general, our galleries do tend to be pretty lifeless and boring. And that is because not enough people are contributing. I often send an image just to help fill up the gallery. >>> Ditto: most times now I find I'm sending images in in response to Andy's late "call for submissions". But as to lifeless: for me it's not the contributions but the lack of interest over the past few weeks. It's almost worth being contoversial when reviewing just to provoke a response ;o) But seriously, tossing coins into a well and not reaing even a small splash becomes pretty boring. Bob PS:Jim. Re your review of my image. I think you had it in one. -- Whatever you Wanadoo: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/ This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more at: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm