Hello I have heard that De Montfort University is seriously considering to make the Art and Photographic Historian Professor Gen Doy redundant. As one the foremost authorities on her subject, she has published numerous papers and books. In doing so Prof. Doy has contributed enormously to the general reputation of the University as well as adding to the institution’s RAE outcomes. Can I ask anyone who knows Gen to write a letter of support to DMU's Vice Chancellor and Dean, their names and addresses below. Many thanks Hugh Hamilton Professor Philip Tasker Vice Chancellor De Montfort University Leicester LE1 9BH United Kingdom Email - PTasker@xxxxxxxxx Dr Gerard Moran BA MA PhD FRSA Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design De Montfort University Leicester LE1 9BH United Kingdom Email - GPMoran@xxxxxxxxx hugh vernon hamilton senior lecturer & year one tutor ba photography, nottingham trent school of art & design the nottingham trent university, burton street, nottingham, ng1 4bu direct line + 44 (0)115 848 2746 program office + 44 (0)115 848 2210 mobile + 44 (0)794 112 8932 email hugh.hamilton@xxxxxxxxx This e-mail is intended solely for the addressee. It may contain private or confidential information. If you are not the intended addressee, you must take no action on it nor show a copy to anyone. Please reply to this e-mail to highlight the error. Opinions and information in this e-mail which do not relate to the business of The Nottingham Trent University shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by the University