Jodi Reynolds <aussie42_01@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"i am working on two projects at the moment:......................."Hi Jodi ......More like a class assignment ?........Maybe a few more "school/class" details would be useful.....or Not?....."an executive portrait........student/soccer........."OK.....It's tough to "cheaply" coordinate too many players so just stick to the "Coach" in his surroundings...........The ball field .......late light/long jersey....long lens: bleachers/out-of-focus as the background.......Maybe 3/4 torso....surveying his field-of-battle.....Or need to take it inside?..........trophy cases/jerseys on the wall/soccer "ball"room.........Maybe tripod/existing light & a tiny "near camera" flash....Slow/regular film speed.......Small f/stop (1/16)..............drag the shutter to expose the ROOM..........manually fire the flash to capture the COACH.....just inform him to hold still and "pose " when you're ready to fire the BOUNCE flash.......(some cameras will fire the flash and continue to "drag" the shutter)"and a photo essay set to music to be displayed in imovie. ......................"I've never used imovie.....just way too many two-projector-dissolves-cassette-punchtape !.......You're a photographer?........Shoot the pictures first....Your choice?.....then choose a subject you're "passionate" about........something YOU know and like (or dislike)................for music......almost anything goes............just don't alienate your "target" audience/TeacherThe photo tell a story..........get your establishing shots...............Now tell me something........SHOW me what's going on..........OK now some DETAILS.........some expressions......MORE!........wrap it up now........come-on........surprise us here at the end...........................Doug
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