When reading this, I can´t help thinking of the Czech photographer
Josef Sudek. He lost one arm in WWI, and yet he later became an
outstanding photographer (one of the best in the world IMHO). He used
mainly view cameras (he only made contact prints), which he carried
around Prague and its surroundings. He managed to pull the dark slides
of his sheet film cassettes with his teeth. I´ve often wondered
however he managed to load the cassettes and to process the film sheets
with only one arm (I find that quite a challenge using two hands).
Sudek died in 1976. More info, and some of his photographs, can be
found at
Per Öfverbeck
2004-02-27 kl. 08.40 skrev Les Baldwin:
Hi All,
Actually I have often taught my students how to hold a camera. I have
also had at least two students that only had one hand/arm to shoot
One had very little forearm on which to rest the camera, and the other
had only one arm. Very difficult for all kinds of reasons.