Good morning, An excellent line of thought as we come out of winter, prepare for spring and be more aware of optimism. I am 39 and have not found a career that provides enough money for the effort and stress. Recently I have been inspired to find three part time jobs with shifting time schedules and responsibilities instead of burying myself emotionally and creatively in one full time job. I agree with other comments that one must make his or her own happiness and one cannot blame past events or other people for the 'bad' things that happen. I have tremendous faith that I am on a path and that as long as I leave myself open to the opportunities then I will be rewarded in ways that I am not aware. Four years ago I was fired from my highest paying job to date that I had only worked at for a year. I was looking for a job for 8 months before I was hired into my current position. I am making 30% less (not including the part-time work) but I have been rewarded with: teaching intro to photography at a liberal arts college which pushed me to start producing art again which led to my first gallery show since my MFA show in 1991. I also bought a Mac and dove into digital imaging. My current passion for life has come out of this path. I am unhappy because I am not challenged enough creatively in the full time position. I want to contribute to the successes of every group to which I am a member. If I work 3 part time jobs with shifting responsibilities I can strive to replace my weakest job without shaking up my whole life. Even though I would feel trapped in a large corporation I sometimes envy my friends who have been with one for 20 years but change jobs, and their challenges, every couple of years. I am better for where I am and what lays ahead. I am optimistic even though I do not know exactly where I am going. I am looking to take a creative retreat this summer and look for new opportunities to expand my interests and passions. Thank you for this thread at the perfect time of year, Jeff ===== Jeff McSweeney Photographer w. 309.467.6313 / h. 309.467.5580 mcsweeney@xxxxxxxxxxx