Thanks for the review Shyrell, yes the lighthouse is small and somehow lost among the cliffs. It is at the farthest cliff and it gets lost in a patch of "shiny" water
I liked this picture better than the no-filter, and the ones I shot with ND, red, yellow or mauve gradual filters
I wished I had a polarizer... lost mine somewhere during the trip
At 11:33 AM 12/9/03, you wrote:
My opinions for the week based on personal bias and background. : ) Another great Gallery.
Pablo Coronel-Bonita Point-I'm having trouble finding the lighthouse. No offence intended. Maybe I'm not looking right. Is it the tiny cone like structure on the rocks in the middle of the picture? I love the over all effect of the orange colors against the black rocks. Altogether, another good shot for a brochure or a greeting card.
Pablo Coronel Ph.D. Candidate Food Science Department North Carolina State University Room 39 Schaub Hall, Box 7624 Raleigh, NC, 27695
Phone (919) 515-4410 Fax (919) 515-7124 e-Fax (419) 818-7590 e-mail