you said you store your photos in the "my pictures" directory to get the WinMe slideshow function.
2 tips:
1) You can make any folder behave that way. View/Customize This Folder brings up a "wizard" where you can select an HTML template for the folder. Among the options is image preview; pick it and you are "slideshow ready".
2) There is a fairly small (500K) freeware program called vueslide which when run in a folder, will put on a slideshow of all jpgs (and perhaps other types -- I don't recall) in the folder. It seems to draw on less of the system resources than the WinMe route does. (Also, it is a nice program to include on CD's of photos being sent to the barely computer literate. You just put a copy in each dir that has photos and tell them to run vueslide.) It is a spin-off of vueprint, so should be available at
Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 08/12/2003 5:51 AM:
hi all.. since the issue of jpegs vs tiffs is still on, i thought another one on our methods of work and backup would be OK
so here is how i work...
i have all my photos in the "my pictures" directory, 'cos there the WinMe slideshow runs... I usually do not need anything better 'cos all i use it for is to check the unworked scans and finished photos for their appearance as a group...and the viewing preference is set to thumbnails of course...