From: <> >. So would I > be correct in assuming that it's okay to mix brands such as Canon printer > with Nikon camera and a cheep scanner. I can't see any reason not to. nono! Canons and Nikons can't exist in the same environment - matter, anti-matter .. what are you trying to do? Wipe out the planet? ;-) >And > my big question is, Will PS and Adobe work on a Windows PC? errr, you weren't educated in an Australian education facility were you? ;-) Yes, PS and all other Adobe progs will be fine, and you may even find a few faster, cheaper (like free) programs available to Windows users to reduce your workload even further **newsflash everyone** The latest version of Irfanview (3.85) has some brilliant additions! > Also, is anyone familiar with the PEI Magazine? I've been reading about > this new Leaf Valeo 22 digital camera back. It's listed for $27,500. > Could that price be a misprint? And what exactly is a digital camera > back? a back that replaces the conventional standard back on a camera. Most medium format cameras have removable, interchangeable backs and many of the old pro 35mm cameras did too, allowing the user to remove the standard back and fit a 100 or a 250 exposure back in it's place. k