When I went to Estonia it was ( and still is ) my first visit behind the former soviet "Iron curtain". While visiting such a place like in the photo, It comes to my mind and I was looking for evidences about the life there in this era. Emily said that maybe I was not sure where to concentrate: inside or outside ? I tried to remember my thoughts while shooting and came to conclusion that I did exactly what I wanted to. There was nothing special in the outside landscape except some short columns that remain from a building. I succeed in catching them in both windows. The sea background gave it a "pastoral" feel. The building itself seems like was belong to the soviet government, some kind of guarding tower. Graffiti inside say that this building was abandoned. I was trying to capture both, inside and outside. I remember that the view in the finder was "restless" ( although I didn't had a headache ) and it was my way to transfer those feelings to the viewer with an uncommon composition. No Emily, I wouldn't put the outside view unsharp. I deliberately wanted both of them. >From the reviews I know that it didn't work for the majority of you and it is important for me to know. Pini _______________________ Pini Vollach http://www.pinimage.com Pini Vollach - Looks like something from the second world war with modern graffiti. Not a pretty sight. Chris.