Dave Buyens <davepe@tampabay.rr.com> wrote/replied to: > I'm not singling you out here; yours just happened to be about the 10th >email I've seen recently that said the same thing. By the way, anyone that >has a desire to find information on the photographer's site to evaluate >prospective business will probably already have the flash player installed. >Art directors are used to using Flash. > From a photographer's point of view there is a good reason why folks use >flash for websites. Unlike normal browsing, where the photos are downloaded >to the person's computer to display on the client machine, flash only shows >the resolution needed on the individual computer. The website file is never >copied to the client computer. If done correctly, Flash will now allow >right-clicking to save a copy of the photo either. So, the visitor to the >site is much less likely to copy the photo for unauthorized use elsewhere. >I strongly recommend it to any photographer that has a web site. I don't see the point. Many ads are in Flash. It's lovely not to see ads, that's a bonus for me. I've never seen a Flash opening I didn't want to click through. I don't happen to favour flash galleries either. Basically, I'm avoiding installing anything I don't need, that's all. I do notice most savy Flash sites have a choice though of a non Flash with one click. That's the real answer here.