The Fruit seller photo was taken at dusk. There was no other light around. I am not sure whether Kodak DC280 has flash compensation, but like idea of using it. Did not drag my EOS1v HS (Hummer? *see below) to scare the guy. My assumption is that since the background is black (pavement) camera may have overexposed it (by overflashing)? Anyway, it looks much better in print than on monitor. Thanks to all for commenting, it helps. One of these days, I will also reciprocate by reviewing the gallery. :-) -achal * Why did I buy that Hummer, if subjects can be scared by that EOS1V-HS body? I am not sure if I wrote this to the forum, but recently I bought a mega-Hummer (also called as Pentax 67). Am I indulging too much in bigger cameras? Am I a sinner? :( > Gregory Fraser <> wrote/replied to: > > >Achal Pashine (Fruit Seller, Western India) - Would have been cooler without the flash but its still a cool shot as it is. I like the shape of the vendor's body and the repeating circles bounded by the blue box placed slanty in the image. > > I'm not going to defend this photo, but I think in this situation > without flash, this photo would have been very dull and dark. I'd have > backed off the flash using negative flash compensation myself though. > But of course many amateur cameras don't have this ability. >