Re: Minimizing pinhole image falloff

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The maximum fall off will always be an issue of the ratio of the diameter of
the image coverage circle to the distance from the film to the pinhole. If
the film is flat and centered on the normal to the pinhole, then the fall
off at the edge of an image circle whose diameter is equal to the distance
from the film to the pinhole will be approximately 1/3 stop from center
image. Where the image circle diameter is twice the distance from the film
to the pinhole, the fall off will be 1 stop.


"Do not suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying
the object which is abused.  Men can go wrong with wine
and women.  Shall we then prohibit and abolish women?"
-Martin Luther

From: "Gregory Fraser" <>

> I went to a web site that had a calculator for the image circle diameter
of pinhole setups. I calculated that a focal length of 3 inches would give
me an image circle that would cover 4x5 inch film. I forget the pinhole
diameter. Then I remembered how drastic the falloff is at the edges of
pinhole images so I thought perhaps by increasing the focal length, I would
have more of the brighter central part of the image and that would reduce
the effects of falloff. 'But wait,' I yelled, 'if this were the case
wouldn't Guy have been able to find a hotel room long enough to prevent the
falloff he experienced in Montreal? Certainly someone as intimate with
pinholes as Guy would know about that.'
> So, does the light falloff of a pinhole camera image follow an inverse
square rule? Will it always be an issue no matter how big your shoebox,
cigar tube or Quaker Oats box is?

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