You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! The F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 & FM were not mine!! They were company cameras. To suggest that our highly professional group of photographers are somehow responsible for the enormous amount of breakdowns in the D1 is not only highly inaccurate but tells me you have very little experience with this new technology.
Mate, stick to what you know.
Jim Davis <ydavis@hkg.odn.ne.jp> wrote:
sam stiglecwrote/replied to:
>We have 16 D1 cameras and have been using them for three years. We have at least one or two at the repair shop at any given time. The hot shoes are hopeless, the shutters just keep on falling over. The batteries are useless, lets hope the D2H is better.
So the camera users are not the owners. Likely your users don't give a
damn about the cameras and treat them like dirt.
>Doesn't give the average photographer much encouragement to go out and buy these top end digitals.
> Over the years I have used the Nikon F1 to F5 and most of the time- no broblem!
So you used your own camera. You likely took care of it.
Big difference when you paid for a camera yourself, than when someone
just gives you one to shoot with. Perhaps you should have a little
talk with your shooters about caring for your cameras.
Jim Davis
Nature Photography
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