Re: Gallery review of 2003_06_08

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Thomas Dall <> wrote/replied to:

>I don't know where this assumption comes from, that to express some
>human condition you must see the eyes. Just as much, and often even much
>more, can be said with the body. In addition to this, I find the
>looking-away interesting: what happens when we (or the model with whom
>we may identify) looks away? what do we not see? And the gesture of the
>body suddenly becomes important as the spell the eyes had on our seeing
>is lifted.

Well, I finished with "And that's the way I see it."

I just get the feeling when they're hiding their face or turned away,
that honesty is missing and they don't really want their picture
taken. And of course lacking eyes dehumanizes and it's just a body

I just see too many of these 'nudes' like this. Is there a rule that a
nude person posing for a photo can't look at the camera?

I enjoy looking at eyes, the expression of the soul. I get a closer
feeling to this person, I get a mood projected from the photo.

Jim Davis
Nature Photography

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