Re: photoshop questions

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Le 9.4.2003 23:03, «?kostas papakotas?» <> a

> well here are two photoshop questions for you all....
> 1.  how do I insert a word document (table actually) in/on a photo using PS?


Usually, things goes the other way around : you insert the pictures in a
text; this can be done using Word (for the ordinary joe) or using a
publishing software like Page Maker, Indesign or Quark.

PS is not very good with text, although it has improved  with the successive
versions. Up from version 6, things go better, since you can keep your text
on a layer untill you have given it the characteristics you want. But PS
isn't the suited software to include text. As for table, I've never tried.
If you want to try, you can do things so : click on the text tool, just
press any taste, for instance T.. Then copy your table and go to the text
layer, click on it so that the dialogue box appear and try to paste your
table. But I'm not sure whether you'll be able to get the columns correctly
aligned.. If not, add as many subtables as you can and move their respective
layers along to get things straight.. It will not be an easy work, since
that is not really a task for PS IMO.
> 2. how do I correct the illustration photo effect, where the image appears
> jagged or rasterized after scanning? (I am forgetting the proper term)

It's called descreening and is better achieved at the scanner level using
the descreening filters.. Some scanners are better than else, but one can
never get perfect results.
> you see, last night I scanned some covers as a "color photo" with my Epson
> scanner, but I did not remember that I should take a prequation against such
> a effect
> now the covers are given back, thus I have to do with what I have...
> so how do I correct them? I tried using the noise filters with limited
> success, so your help is required....

Alas, I didn't find a descreening filter in the last version of PS (7.0) I
thought there was one in the preceding ones; however, There are two filters
for creating "color halftones" or "halftones pattern", respectively located
in the pixelate and the sketch groups.

With some scanners, you can reopen the picture you have just scanned and
apply some filters like descreeing; if you have that possibility, it would
be better..

(Sorry not to be able to help more)


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