Personally, I LOVE j.jpeg. (bottom row 4th from left) The gradation of the light into the dark sky. I suppose if we read from left to right we come out of the darkness. The powerline disappearing back into the darkness. The blurry powerful way that the car dissected the foreground from the background and the way the foreground (guy) pops out in static crispness. The yin/yang way that he is lit from the left with shadow on the right side while the entire image tends toward dark on the left and light on the right. And the balance achieved by the bright highlight on the front quarter panel of the car. There's much more to mention such as the way the light itself is kept from being a screaming annoyance by being cropped out and how the guy in the foreground so neatly tucks into the background without being lost against darkness anywhere. (Had he stood up straight? His hat would have been lost in the darkness. But, no. He stoops to perfection.) It's a brilliant piece of work that "J.jpeg". I tried to use it as my desktop but the image began to pixelate and the gradations to band. How much are prints? r Scot wrote: > > John, > I found your essay to be compelling. > > I feel you captured the essence of the races. >