Me > > So what the hell IS street photography? Rich: > Even on the streetphoto list ( nobody > seems quite sure of a precise definition. About as close as I've read was > this bit by Jawed: > > " It seems to me that people on this list are interested in photographing > "signs of human presence, absence, impact on landscape; human interaction, > communication, cultural skid marks; the boundaries between the personal, the > corporate and the societal." Maybe we photographers only do so as a vector > for our interior worlds, or maybe we only do it for the pleasure of engaging > with the local slither of the world at large. > > Whatever, people on the list are engaging with "humanity". We're not engaging > with still lives, or fashion, or orchids or craters on the moon. Our concern > is with life being lived around us, and our photographic eyes that slip and > slide, selecting and then sharing portions of our experience or our > discovery..." oooOOOooh, you made me shiver! Thanks for posting this Rich - it's one of the most lucid explanations I've encountered :-) > Or was he describing post-documentary photography? huh? another 'post-' wassit that I haven't heard of before ;-) k