Le 2.11.2002 11:55, « Emily L. Ferguson » <elf@cape.com> a écrit : > > Hmm. I guess you could try a lower ISO to get less DOF if it's doing > that at f4? I think you can set the ISO with that camera, no? Seems > like there might have been enough light to get the scene hand holding > at 50 ISO or maybe even 25? Well, yes, the problem wasn't the ISO in that case, but the lens : a 28-105 F3.5-F4.5 AF-USM; at 40mm the max aperture is F4. BTW, on the D60 ISO go from 100 to 1000, with 1000 and 800 being already very noisy; I tend to shoot at 100 ISO or 200, rarely more than 400, unless I'm shooting at night with the 50mm F1.4 (I've sent an example for the next gallery and the digital grain is very apparent). The alternative is getting one of these heavy "pro" lens opening at F2.8 for all the focals. For the moment, I don't really want to get one : I've spent enough in gear already and it's too bulky and heavy for someone used to rangefinders ;-) Sometimes I shoot with the 50mm f1.8, but given the focal multiplier of 1.6 on the D60 it's a little long for the street and I'm getting hooked by the ease of use of a zoom. -- Christiane