Re: a bitchin I go again..

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But they don't OWN the rights, you have just granted them a license
(non-exclusive), and it exists only as long as you keep the image on their
servers.   You are still the copyright owner of the image.

dan c.

At 08:41 PM 30-09-02 +0100, Bob Talbot wrote:
>> Rob writes <rightly so>
>> > Not everyone is out to get everyone else.   If you want to use
>> > service do so, if you don't like the contract, go elsewhere, its
>that simple.
>> true.
>> just lettin' people know whats out there..
>> karl
>Also true ,,,
>but the problem comes when the "customer" finds themselves in a
>position where they don't have any choice.  A few months down the line
>some financial bod in Fuji/Yahoo/Microsoft realises they actually OWN
>the rights to use, sell, edit amd whatever the hell they like to
>millions of images.   Whilst the original intent may well have been to
>protect Fuji (I'm sure it is so) the position is that they can then do
>whatever they like.
>They can protect thier own backsides without needing to reserve the
>right to use the images (other than in intended web site display) or
>sell them!!!!

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