The PhotoForum member's gallery/exhibit space was updated AUG-17-02. Authors with work now on display at include: Roderick Chen - flamingo Janine C. Hanson - jIMMY Harris - Neighbors? D.L. Shipman - Series #3 Card #17 Tarpon Springs February 2002 King/Arthur - Tense: the historical present Christopher Strevens - Shop in SOHO Greg Fraser - Summer Evening David Small - nine Bruce Weitzman - Peeter Vissak - Richard Cooper - Greetings Stranger Kostas Papakotas - for sale, obscenity included There is currently one (1) photograph enqueued awaiting future exhibition. (Author: Mitchell) Contributions encouraged! Instructions for contributing can be obtained by following a link from the main gallery page given above. New series of 5-6 images per author as well as new work by groups of students also encouraged! The Self Portrait gallery will be up for at least a few more weeks. Additions welcome. There were about 400 visits paid to the main gallery last week. Contributions to the ANONYMOUS exhibit currently number 14 photographs. Photographers with or without style can contribute to this future exhibition by following the same procedure as for the "regular" gallery but making sure to place the word ANONYMOUS in the Subject: line of the email containing their image or image URL. Thank you - Mara and the rest of the PF Exhibits Staff