Thomas Kellerer wrote:
Randall Smith wrote on 14.03.2007 18:59:
I'm trying to get Postgresql to work with software that uses JDBC and
Oracle for a large government project. So I have to report that the
application won't work with Postgresql because it (PG) doesn't adhere
to the standard. That's usually something I say about Oracle and
MySQL. I'm an advocate of Postgresql and usually tout SQL compliance
as a strength, so it bothers me that this is not in line to be corrected.
Then the software is not written well :)
DatabaseMetaData.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() correctly tells the
program that PG stores everything in lowercase. So if a (JDBC based)
software wants to be truly multi-DBMS enabled, it *has* to retrieve
those things from the driver.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
I don't write Java software so I can't discuss what you said. However,
the SQL the app sends IS SQL compliant and Postgresql is not. A table
named foo should be accessible as both foo and "FOO" according to the