On 10/13/2005 2:40 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Chris Travers <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
So basically, the problem is that any fix for case folding would touch a
fair bit of code and possibly cause other problems. However, I haven't
seen anyone worry about performance issues in such a fix, just that it
might be a fair bit of work.
More that it's likely to create serious forwards, backwards, and
sideways compatibility problems :-(. The work involved is mostly
in figuring out how to deal with that.
Since the end reward for all this work would be having to read CATALOGS
WRITTEN IN ALL UPPER CASE, none of the key developers seem very
interested ...
Just an idea ...
if the release that offers UPPER case folding as an option also makes
sure that all internal and tool references to system catalog objects are
properly quoted (as they IMHO should be anyway), then it would be
reduced to a third party tool/application problem accessing the system
catalog in a database that has this new config option selected.
# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me. #
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