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Re: Duplicate Key Values

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> I'm assuming that by 'simple version' you mean no inheritance.

Inheritance was not specified by me in either case.  By simple, I mean that I used fewer columns in the test version, like so:

Where node_id is a foreign key in dataset, and node_type is not. 

Best regards,
Mark Brady

From: Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2025 12:05 PM
To: mark bradley <markbradyju@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Ron Johnson <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx>; pgsql-general <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Duplicate Key Values
On 3/13/25 08:56, mark bradley wrote:
>  >Postgresql does not assume / default to inheritance.  In text-mode
> clients where you type >in "raw" SQL, you have to explicitly add an
> explicit "INHERITS <parent_table>" clause to the >"CREATE TABLE foo" 
> statement.
>  >Are you creating the tables via PgAdmin point-and-click?
> I am using PgAdmin 4 v9.1.
> I think the problem may also be related to the fact that I had
> *node_id* and *node_type *were in both tables from an earlier design and
> Postgres would not let me delete* node_type* from the* dataset* table.

Because it was inherited:

create table node (node_id integer primary key, fld1 varchar);

create table node_1 (node_id integer primary key, node_1_fld boolean)
inherits ( node);

alter table node_1 drop column fld1;
ERROR:  cannot drop inherited column "fld1"

> As an experiment, I created a simple version of the same tables from
> scratch without *node_type* in the *dataset* table.  So far, no dups are
> appearing.

I'm assuming that by 'simple version' you mean no inheritance.

> Best regards,
> Mark Brady
> <>_
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Adrian Klaver

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