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Re: Duplicate Key Values

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there is an index on node_id as it is the Primary Key.

Why do you think there is not?
My mistake, I misread the output from \d dataset

Can you elaborate more on point 3.

Are you calling the Foreign Key relationships subclassing?

Although I did not explicitly use Postgres to declare inheritance, logically speaking table dataset and processing _node inherit or are subclasses of node because they are subclasses of node in a dataflow diagram.

In terms of keys, this is accomplished by having the node_id key in the node table appear as a foreign key and as a primary key in both the dataset and processing_node tables.  

Is there anything in Postgres log at the time you did the above that
showed it did more then a REINDEX?

Not that I can tell.  

Best regards,
Mark Brady

From: Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 12:00 PM
To: mark bradley <markbradyju@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: pgsql-general <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Duplicate Key Values
On 3/11/25 08:16, mark bradley wrote:

   1) Please do not top post. Either inline or bottom post. It makes
things like the below easier to follow. I wrote the post you responded
to and it took me a bit to catch the b as a reference to:

> b

b) Or for any node_ids that where duplicated did reindexing eliminate
all rows with that node_id.

  From a previous post of yours:

Originally, the key in the node table was a sequence, but I changed it
to a non-sequence.

There is no index on the primary key node_id, and I understand there
should be one.

I didn't explicitly use Postgres inheritance but there are two tables
that are subclasses of node.  There are dataset nodes and
processing_node [s] tables.  Each is a type of node and have primary
keys that are foreign keys from the node table.  This key is node_id.

As to point 2, from this message:

there is an index on node_id as it is the Primary Key.

Why do you think there is not?

Can you elaborate more on point 3.

Are you calling the Foreign Key relationships subclassing?


 > Also reindexed table with node_id as a foreign key in the same way.

Is there anything in Postgres log at the time you did the above that
showed it did more then a REINDEX?

> Best regards,
> Mark Brady
> <>_
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 11, 2025 11:12 AM
> *To:* mark bradley <markbradyju@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Cc:* pgsql-general <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Subject:* Re: Duplicate Key Values
> On 3/11/25 08:05, mark bradley wrote:
>> The rows that were preserved in the nodes table were the ones that were
>> not dups originally.
> 1) To be specific:
> a) If there where two or more rows with a node_id, after the reindexing
> was there only one left?
> b) Or for any node_ids that where duplicated did reindexing eliminate
> all rows with that node_id.
> 2) Per post from Greg Sabino Mullane, you need to show us the steps you
> took to reindex the table.
>> Best regards,
>> Mark Brady
>> <
> <>>_
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 11, 2025 10:56 AM
>> *To:* mark bradley <markbradyju@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Cc:* pgsql-general <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Subject:* Re: Duplicate Key Values
>> On 3/11/25 07:28, mark bradley wrote:
>>> An "interesting" effect of reindexing is that all the records that were
>>> dups in the nodes table were deleted, both copies.
>> I am trying to understand above.
>> Was there at least one row of each node_id left?
>>> Also, all rows having node_id as a foreign key in other tables were
>>> deleted, which means all rows in these tables were deleted.
>>> Fortunately these are not huge tables.  I will reenter the data, make a
>>> backup, and then try your further extended suggestions.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mark Brady
>>> <
>> <
> <>>>_
>> --
>> Adrian Klaver
>> adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx

Adrian Klaver

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