On 3/11/25 11:52, mark bradley wrote:
there is an index on node_id as it is the Primary Key.
Why do you think there is not?
My mistake, I misread the output from \d dataset
Can you elaborate more on point 3.
Are you calling the Foreign Key relationships subclassing?
Although I did not explicitly use Postgres to declare inheritance,
logically speaking table /dataset/ and /processing _node/ inherit or are
subclasses of /node/ because they are subclasses of /node/ in a dataflow
In terms of keys, this is accomplished by having the /node_id/ key in
the /node/ table appear as a foreign key and as a primary key in both
the /dataset/ and /processing_node/ tables.
You will need to show the schema definitions for:
Best to do using psql \d <table_name>
Also in from previous \d dataset there where NOT VALID FK definitions.
Did you ever run VALIDATE CONSTRAINT against them?
Is there anything in Postgres log at the time you did the above that
showed it did more then a REINDEX?
Not that I can tell.
Best regards,
Mark Brady
_amazon.com/author/markjbrady <https://amazon.com/author/markjbrady>_
Adrian Klaver