Re: Please help: PHP4/postgres db woes

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On Mar 7, 2004, at 2:59 PM, Andrew McMillan wrote:

On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 07:18, Danny O'Brien wrote:
Any postgre experts out there? We have a PHP4 site that worked fine
under a previous RedHat build, but we just can't get it working on this
Debian build.

We run heaps of PHP based sites on this codebase.  If you want to
upgrade to 7.4.1, Oliver Elphick (the Debian maintainer) has produced
packages for Woody that we also use in some situations:

deb stable main

It seems most likely to me that your webserver is attempting to
authenticate as www-data using (rather than 'local' - i.e. no
host spec in pg_connect) and that you are not allowing that in your
pg_hba.conf, but the notes below do not give a lot of information to
work from.

Perhaps send the auth.php (with usernames / passwords munged), a "select
* from pg_user" (ditto)

					Andrew McMillan

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your response. Below is the contents of auth.php, per your suggestion, if you feel like vetting the code. I'm not a PHP programmer -- we've hired one to mod the site, but he seems incapable of resolving the database issue. I'm responsible for getting the site running. I've been able to do it before, under RedHat, but not this time.

When I set up the database (named identically to the previous), I ran a script called "create_tables.sql" that the original programmers gave me. This presumably provided the db with all necessary columns.

I then followed that with a script called "fake_data.sql," also from the original programmers. This script contains a series of logins and passwords that correspond to the columns in the create_tables.sql. My conclusion from these actions is that we should now have a functioning database with usable logins and passwords.

Is there any way for me to crack open the database to make sure that the columns, logins, and passwords are all positioned properly? Could it be that the scripts named above did not function properly, and we have what amounts to a non-functioning database?


	include( 'login.php' );

	if( $real_login )
$sql = "select fname, lname, password, admin_flag, client_id from usr where login = " . xxxxx($real_login);

		$result = pg_exec( $link, $sql );

		if( $result && pg_numrows( $result ) == 1 )
			$row = pg_fetch_row( $result, 0 );	
			$pw = $row[2];
			if( $row[2] == crypt( $real_password, $row[2] ) )
				setCookie( "srp_auth", "auth_login=$real_login&auth_password=$pw" );

				$auth_user_name = $row[0] . " " . $row[1];	
				$auth_admin_flag = $row[3];	
				$auth_client_id  = $row[4];	

$sql = "update usr set last_login='now' where login=" . xxxxx( $real_login );
				pg_exec( $sql );

show_login( "<BR><B>We're sorry but that is incorrect. Please try again.</B>");

show_login( "<BR><B>We're sorry but that is incorrect. Please try again.</B>");

	else if( $srp_auth )
		parse_str( $srp_auth );

$sql = "select fname, lname, admin_flag, client_id from usr where login = " . xxxxx( $auth_login ) . " and password = " . xxxxx( $auth_password ) ;

		$result = pg_exec( $link, $sql );

		if( $result && pg_numrows( $result ) == 1 )
			$row = pg_fetch_row( $result, 0 );	
			$auth_user_name = $row[0] . " " . $row[1];	
			$auth_admin_flag = $row[2];
			$auth_client_id  = $row[3];

show_login( "<BR><B>We're sorry but that is incorrect. Please try again.</B>");
		show_login( "" );

	if( $auth_admin_flag == "A" )
		$auth_admin_flag = "P";

if (isset($client_id) && $auth_client_id != 1 && $client_id != $auth_client_id)
		show_login("Invalid data passed to form.  Please log in again");

	if (isset($category_id))
$sql = "select descr, client_id from category where id = $category_id";
		$result = pg_exec($link, $sql);

		if ($auth_client_id != 1)
			if (pg_result($result, 0, 1) != $auth_client_id)
				show_login("Invalid data passed to form.  Please log in again");

		if (!isset($category_descr))
			$category_descr = pg_result($result, 0, 0);

Original post:

Here's what we're running:

Debian 3.0r1 "woody"
Kernel 2.4.18-bf2.4
Apache 1.3.26-0woo
postgres 7.2.1-2wood
php 4.1.2-6wood

We've applied a script sent to us by the original programmers, that
installed several logins and passwords.
But when we go to login to our PHP site, our login is rejected.

I've taken the following actions:

1) Checked to see that the database (called "ourdb") is in fact
available by entering "psql ourdb." The database opens up to an "ourdb"

2) Made sure that postgresql is running by outputting ps ax:

   xxx ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster
   xxx ?        S      0:00 postgres: stats buffer process
   xxx ?        S      0:00 postgres: stats collector process

3) Altered the pg_hba.conf (located in /etc/postgresql) to reflect the
following, and re-started postgre:

#local        all                                           ident
local        all                                           trust
host         all           ident
host         all             reject

4) Made sure that the php4-pgsql module is present  -- I did an
"apt-get" for this last week

5) Examined the postgres.log for clues -- the log file is empty,
indicating that no login attempts have been made -- I suppose because
the auth.php has not found the DB?

6) pg_exec call deprecated under PHP 4.2.0 and replaced with pg_query:
since we're using php 4.1.2-6wood, it seems that this does not apply to
our setup. Correct?

All suggestions welcome. Solution guaranteed posted to the list.

- Danny O'Brien

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