Any postgre experts out there? We have a PHP4 site that worked fine
under a previous RedHat build, but we just can't get it working on this
Debian build.
Here's what we're running:
Debian 3.0r1 "woody"
Kernel 2.4.18-bf2.4
Apache 1.3.26-0woo
postgres 7.2.1-2wood
php 4.1.2-6wood
We've applied a script sent to us by the original programmers, that
installed several logins and passwords.
But when we go to login to our PHP site, our login is rejected.
I've taken the following actions:
1) Checked to see that the database (called "ourdb") is in fact
available by entering "psql ourdb." The database opens up to an "ourdb"
2) Made sure that postgresql is running by outputting ps ax:
xxx ? S 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster
xxx ? S 0:00 postgres: stats buffer process
xxx ? S 0:00 postgres: stats collector process
3) Altered the pg_hba.conf (located in /etc/postgresql) to reflect the
following, and re-started postgre:
#local all ident
local all trust
host all ident
host all reject
4) Made sure that the php4-pgsql module is present -- I did an
"apt-get" for this last week
5) Examined the postgres.log for clues -- the log file is empty,
indicating that no login attempts have been made -- I suppose because
the auth.php has not found the DB?
6) pg_exec call deprecated under PHP 4.2.0 and replaced with pg_query:
since we're using php 4.1.2-6wood, it seems that this does not apply to
our setup. Correct?
All suggestions welcome. Solution guaranteed posted to the list.
- Danny O'Brien