On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 19:25, ryanne cruz wrote: > hi list. > > if there's anyone here who's familiar with teh rtrim function, please i need > help. It depends on the datatypes in use. If you use a type like "CHAR(32)" it will always be right-padded with spaces. Whereas if you use a type like "TEXT" or "VARCHAR(32)" it will be stored as you enter it (it may still have some trailling spaces. Now, when you use the rtrim() function, but insert the result into a CHAR(N) column, all those spaces will just be stuck straight back on again. This is likely to be what is happening in your case. Regards, Andrew. > > i have a table that has a column in it that has data in this format: > > California, USA > Nevada, USA > . > . > . > > when i use rtrim to erase the ", USA" part, it only sometimes work. a sample > result would be: > > California > Nevad > > my query statement is: > update table set name=rtrim(name,', USA'); > > why is it that it only works sometimes? > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? > > http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew @ Catalyst .Net.NZ Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington WEB: http://catalyst.net.nz/ PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St DDI: +64(4)916-7201 MOB: +64(21)635-694 OFFICE: +64(4)499-2267 Survey for nothing with http://survey.net.nz/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------