Thanks Jason. but my data in that column varies. what i mean is that not all data ends in ", USA". some ends in ", Italy" or ", England". if i understood your code right, this only works when all my data ends with ", USA" or any country with 3 letters on it. anymore ideas? Quoting Jason k Larson <jlarson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > rtrim and ltrim are used to remove whitespaces. I'm not certain why you > are getting unpredictable behavior, but try this instead. > > $column = substr ($column, 0, strlen($column)-5); // 5 = ', USA' > > > > HTH, > Jason k Larson > > > ryanne cruz wrote: > > > > > hi list. > > > > if there's anyone here who's familiar with teh rtrim function, please > > i need > > help. > > > > i have a table that has a column in it that has data in this format: > > > > California, USA > > Nevada, USA > > . > > . > > . > > > > when i use rtrim to erase the ", USA" part, it only sometimes work. a > > sample > > result would be: > > > > California > > Nevad > > > > my query statement is: > > update table set name=rtrim(name,', USA'); > > > > why is it that it only works sometimes? > >