in both my of my tables, the original and the table where i will insert the column without the ", USA", the type of the columns are character varying. is that the same with varchar? Quoting Andrew McMillan <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 19:25, ryanne cruz wrote: > > hi list. > > > > if there's anyone here who's familiar with teh rtrim function, please i > need > > help. > > It depends on the datatypes in use. > > If you use a type like "CHAR(32)" it will always be right-padded with > spaces. Whereas if you use a type like "TEXT" or "VARCHAR(32)" it will > be stored as you enter it (it may still have some trailling spaces. > > Now, when you use the rtrim() function, but insert the result into a > CHAR(N) column, all those spaces will just be stuck straight back on > again. This is likely to be what is happening in your case. > > Regards, > Andrew. > > > > i have a table that has a column in it that has data in this format: > > > > California, USA > > Nevada, USA > > . > > . > > . > > > > when i use rtrim to erase the ", USA" part, it only sometimes work. a > sample > > result would be: > > > > California > > Nevad > > > > my query statement is: > > update table set name=rtrim(name,', USA'); > > > > why is it that it only works sometimes? > > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > > TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? > > > > > -- > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > Andrew @ Catalyst .Net.NZ Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington > WEB: PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St > DDI: +64(4)916-7201 MOB: +64(21)635-694 OFFICE: +64(4)499-2267 > Survey for nothing with > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > >