Re: NNTPC: NNTPCACHE on SVR4.0 system anyone?

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> Hi everyone,
> I successfully compiled nntpcache 0.92.8UL on an Olivetti UNIX SVR4.0 system
> after some minor modifications to add in ";" or "break" in case statements.
> I don't think any of those changes affect the logic of the code.

I take it you were not using gcc? Can you send the patches in?

> However when I try to run nntpcached it doesn't work.  I've defined two
> news servers, one our internal and the other our ISP's.  Running it as a
> daemon in the background results in two nntpcached processes, and I can
> see there are two sockets open to each server.  After some time one of
> the processes disappears.  If I telnet to the nntp port I can connect,
> but I never get anything back.

Appart from your last sentence this is correct behavior. The second
process is the nntpcache collector, which pulls over various lists
from the upstream servers into shared memory. It only appears when
the information needs rebuilding (i.e has expired). nntpcached will
refuse to talk to incoming news-readers until it has a minimal set
of cache built. This usually involves transfering around 2mb of data
per 15,000 groups so may take some time.

> If I run nntpcache as a foreground process, I again have two nntpcached
> processes running and after a while one disappears.  But in this case
> after the 2nd process has disappeared I can telnet to the nntp port and
> actually get articles from both servers.  However the caching does not
> seem to work.  I see the following files in my cache directory:

I'm not sure what you mean by "foreground" here. Do you mean -i? If so,
all bets are off, because that debugging code belongs in the attic.

> -rw-r--r--   1 news     news           0 Sep 26 18:19 cache.history
> -rw-r--r--   1 news     news          61 Sep 26 18:19 cache.history.dir
> -rw-r--r--   1 news     news           0 Sep 26 18:19 cache.history.pag
> drwxr-xr-x   5 news     news          96 Sep 26 18:42
> -rw-r--r--   1 news     news         392 Oct  1 17:37 nntpcache.stats
> drwxr-xr-x   3 news     news          96 Sep 26 18:57

This is correct. You probably are seeing no "cache.mmap" because your
OS doesn't support shared mmaps on files, so nntpcache is using anonymous or
/dev/zero shared mmaps instead.

> There is no cache.mmap file, and under the group directories all I see are
> xover files.  Things worked the same when I had only one server defined.
> I tried creating an empty cache.mmap file, but that didn't make any
> difference.

Check your article timeout setting.

> Thanks for any info.,
> Raju

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely  exercised for the good of its victims  
 may be the most  oppressive.  It may be better to live under  robber barons  
 than  under  omnipotent  moral busybodies,  The robber baron's  cruelty may  
 sometimes sleep,  his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who  
 torment us for own good  will torment us  without end,  for they do so with 
 the approval of their own conscience."    -   C.S. Lewis, _God in the Dock_ 
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