> Our installation of innd has been hacked (by a predecessor who's > long gone) to enable access control based on remote-user > authentication (pcnfsd to be precise). We would like to retain some > sort of user-based access control, alongside the IP-based control in > nntpcache. I see that in this version it is not supported anymore. > > Do others use this? What version of nntpcache supports this? Or > have you hacked it yourselves? U are not alone with this, this issue has been brought up a few weeks ago. The Author(s) have disabled it because of lack of interests and If we would like it back we should tell them. Quite a lot of people have requested this at that time. I need it badly too. I can only hope they will put it back in. Jan Bessels =========== ---------------------------------------------------- Jan Bessels: Generale Bank Nederland N.V. E-mail: Bessels.J@g-bank.nl Tel. : +31 10 2703065 ---------------------------------------------------- Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * D I S C L A I M E R * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this communication is intended solely for use by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Use of this communication by others is prohibited. Generale Bank is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt.