Mulyadi Santosa wrote:
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 1:39 AM, Paraneetharan Chandrasekaran
<paraneetharanc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi List,
I want to practice and write kernel modules. But, I cant do that in my host
system as it may crash. I need to create a simulation environment where only
kernel, bash and utils (coreutils, modutils, etc) are available. I dont want
to install a complete distro in VmWare or Virtualbox or whatever. I want to
make it simple for the purpose.
Have you considered using User Mode Linux or Qemu as the
emulator/virtualization tool? And as the root filesystem, try creating
one using Linux From Scratch or Gentoo stage 3. Or maybe slim distro
like puppy linux...
Well, QEMU is a good choice . I used that as testbed for my embedded
linux development.
Tonny Adhi Sabastian
Registered Linux User #345051 [Linux Counter International]
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