Re: More ethernet port same ip address

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On 07/21/08 13:11, Michele Petrazzo - Unipex srl wrote:
made some tries and I see that it works well with the "bridge" mode. The only thing that I do was to to create a new bridge, remove the ip address from the interfaces, add them to the bridge and set an ip address for the bridge. Nothing other. With arp_proxy 1 or 0 it works in the same manner.


The strange it's that I already tried this solution in test room, but I remember that it didn't work. One think that forgot to say it's that when I tried, I was using a different switch configuration (that now I cannot reproduce): there was two different switch (with stp enabled and configured), each one with 3 different vlan and each of the three vlans end into one server ethernet port.

VLANs and especially STP make things more interesting.

Here, for make the communication working, I have to setup the three vlan(s) on the server port's, but they must have the same address. And, with the "bridge" solution I think that I cannot.

With traditional bridging, you would bridge the three (virtual) interfaces together and then bind your server's IP(s) to the bridge interface. I've got a system in service that has an excess of 24 different VLAN interfaces bridged together, and it's working great.

Thanks to all,


Grant. . . .
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