Recent Match Questions

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The following is an excerpt from the recent match help:

recent v1.2.11 options:
[!] --set Add source address to list, always matches.
[!] --update Match if source address in list, also update last-seen time.
[!] --remove Match if source address in list, also removes that address from list.

My question to you guys is I dont see the point of negating these rules. For example. Since --set always matches, ! --set NEVER matches, so whats the point? Similarly ! --update matches if name is not in list and then updates the name that is not in the list? And also ! --remove matches a name not in the list and then attempts to remove it? Perhaps im not reading it right, I must be because the way im understanding it just doesnt make any sense.

Also, it would be nice if an option called --hittimer was added that will automatically reset the hitcounts after X number of mintues. For example

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $BAD_PORT -m recent --set
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $BAD_PORT -m recent --rcheck --hitcount 10 --hittimer 1440 -j DROP

In this ficticous example, after a certain attacker has attempted to connect to $BAD_PORT 10 or more times, any further packets to this port will be dropped. However after 1440mins (24 hours) his --hitcount will be cleared back to 0, allowing him to send up to 10 more packets. I see no other way doing this with the current fuctionality of the recent match without having to resort to flushing the actual rule and reissuing it which is not a very clean way of doing things.

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