For Q1. You can do a little trick and create a user chain called LOGDROP = and then use that. e.g. iptables -N LOGDROP iptables -j LOG -log-preifx "LOGDROP: " now, where ever you were using target DROP, use LOGDROP instead. This = way you can make sure you log things before dropping. For logging traffic handled by default policy you will have to have a = last rule in all default chains - INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD that logs = traffic with the right prefix. Iptables -A INPUT -j LOG -log-prefix "INPUTDEFAULT: " Iptables -A INPUT -j LOG -log-prefix "FORWARDDEFAULT: " Iptables -A INPUT -j LOG -log-prefix "OUTPUTDEFAULT: " Hope this helps you. -Y -----Original Message----- From: SB CH [] Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 6:19 PM To: Subject: log all dropped packets Hello, all. my two questions are similar. Question1. I would like to log all Dropped packet. How can I write a log about all dropped packet? Question2. Surely, my default policy is DROP. and one can't log about related default Policy. How can I log packet information about default policy related? Thanks in advance. _________________________________________________________________ =BA=B8=B4=D9 =BA=FC=B8=A3=B0=ED =BA=B8=B1=E2 =C6=ED=C7=D1 =B4=BA=BD=BA. = =BF=C0=B4=C3=C0=C7 =C8=AD=C1=A6=B4=C2 MSN =B4=BA=BD=BA=BF=A1=BC=AD = =C8=AE=C0=CE=C7=CF=BC=BC=BF=E4.