On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:29:43 -0400hendrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 01:23:50PM -0700, Jeff Treague wrote:> > I finally got my n810 a lot nicer then the n770.> > > > The user guide on my n810 is in a different lanage. > > I've got an n800, just upgraded its OS from OS2007(bora) to > OS2008(diablo), so some of my remarks may be out of date. I also> cant answer to anything 610-specific, but in many ways it's an 800> with different slots and peripherals. Same situation here. > > > 3.Is there a way to use the n810 as a planer? Date, phone #, and> > apointments.> > I use GPE calendar. It has no specific provision for phone number,> but there is a separate GPE Contacts program that does that. The two> don't seem to talk with one another. Last I looked, the GPE Contacts> did not pave provision for street addresses -- only electroninc comm.> (yes, taht includes telephone). I stick street addresses in one of> the slots for electronic addresses for protocols I don't use. It'll> probably bit me someday, but it hasn't yet. I use and have used GPE since I got my first 770. GPE Contactsprovides for two address's per contact. When creating/editing acontact, under the locations tab there are spaces following thehome/work number slots. It has worked very well for me. > > > > > 4. Is there a program to take notes that works with windows and> > what is it?> > The utilities->notes program created HTML files, which can be read > almost everywhere. Leafpad is now in the main repositories, I believe itcreates .txt files? My favorite because it allows multiple files open.There is also the antiword/docreader combination that let you view .docfiles and also Abiword. I have no experience with Abiword, I believeit allows you to create/edit MS documents. > > > > > 5. Is there more thing to download on maeme that are not on the> > download page? Rapier I did not see there but I heard about so I> > typed it in to search and got it. Is there a way to get a list of> > other tings that are not on the download page? Most everything is there, check the wiki at Internet TabletTalk. > > > > 6. Can I use highter than a 2gb sd card and is there any I need to> > do to do this besides putting in a higher sd card?> > There are regular reports that 8G SDHC cards work fine on an N800, > although some manufacturers produce bad cards and they don't work.> I've heard rumours of 16G being OK. Apparently Nokia only> guarantees what's actually been tested and found to work; their> hardware seems to be more capable than their guarantees.> > > 7. What is the best way to use the web cam? Is there a way to take > > video with it?> > I suspect the CPU isn't fast enough for that, but I could be wrong.> > -- hendrikBest Regards, -- Peter The Plumber sm on the road Sent from a mobile Internet Tablet_______________________________________________maemo-users mailing listmaemo-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users