"ext Ed Bartosh" <eduard.bartosh at nokia.com> writes: > On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 12:08 +0300, ext Tomas Junnonen wrote: > >> If there's any additional hoops to jump through people just aren't going >> to bother. > > Yeah, I can see that. And you know what? It's not because Nokia not > doing this and that, it's just because of people who don't > bother. As a result we have this mess with tons of repositories and > .install files instead of one extra. And we also have users, who > have to deal with this mess. With some effort, we could find a line of argument that leaves Nokia not responsible for the current mess. Should Nokia be contend with that, turn around and say: "Your fault, not our problem"? Of course not. Nokia wants the maemo community to be healthy, and Nokia, as initiator and part of the community, is currently very much in charge of setting the rules and giving directions for future improvement. Nokia controls maemo.org. Non-Nokia member of the community can have their projects on Garage, edit the Wiki, send mails to the lists, blog on Planet maemo and upload packages to the Extras repository. But Nokia controls Garage, the Wiki, the mailing lists, the Planet and the Extras repository. From this power comes repsonsiblity. If Nokia doesn't want that responsibility, the whole maemo thing needs to be opened up more: maybe formally with a maemo foundation, board of directors, etc, or informally by just giving the root password to maemo.org to some non-Nokians.