There is so much energy and cool ideas in this list. Here you have some basic steps to help you convincing us of new features we should implement: a) Look at this interesting maemo bugzilla saved search: I go there from time to time to pick either the most voted enhancement request or the oldest. You could simply choose one you are personally interested. And push it forward: update the request, add relevant information, gather support from the maemo community via votes or comments... b) Look at and make sure that the requests you would like to see/push are in . If not, submit the feature request yourself. The wiki is a good place to list and put ideas in shape, but it is in when an idea gets an ID impossible to forget. By doing this you are helping prioritizing and defining feature requests. This makes much easier for us to hunt the corresponding developer/manager and ask if that feature was ever discussed, is in the plans, would be desired or it's definitely a "No, sorry" - and why. Then with this information we can locate features in the roadmap or the wishlist at This roadmap helps you getting new supporters and ideas around a feature. And we look at it when planning new developments. Note that pushing efficiently a feature request doesn't imply automatically that it will be taken. Features are added to our roadmap when they are feasible and make sense in the maemo overall strategy. On the other side a feature mildly pushed can reach the roadmap if it just happens to be a brilliant idea that should have occurred to us. -- Quim Gil -