Kevin, and it looks like Apple, has, in fact,. "bent the pins", on this device, moreso than on , say Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0, or 6.0 based devices (which are in fact quite user extensible, witness the software product portfolio available at handago) by dis-allowing the user from installing arbitrary software "apps" on it. This product is driven as much by the itunes business model (ipod = high class razor, tunes = blade) than anything else. ATT and Apple can now "collaborate" on extending Itunes dominance to other forms of media content. I would be interested to know how long ATT is going to have exclusivity on the Iphone. If it is more than say 6 months, then that will give iphone competitors time to sell/design/build competing solutions to the other mobile service providers, which they, are probably already doing. Best Regards, John Holmblad Acadia Secure Networks ktneely at wrote: > On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 03:32:24PM -0400, Acadia Secure Networks wrote: > >> "Our verdict is that, despite some flaws and feature omissions, the >> iPhone is, on balance, a beautiful and breakthrough handheld computer. >> Its software, especially, sets a new bar for the smart-phone industry, >> > > David Pogue on NPR this morning said essentially the same thing. His biggest beef was the fact that it was tied to Cingular. Other than that, a nice and useful phone that is parked about in the middle of the price range for phones these days. > > I'd love to get a chance to play with one, but will not be an early adopter this time. > > K > >