Hi, On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 15:00:00 -0800, James Sparenberg wrote: > On Thursday 25 January 2007 07:39, Levi Bard wrote: [...] > Levi, > > I'm with you. Using scp works a lot better than the USB cable. The same thing happens to me. I'm using the WLAN to transfer large files because with _large_ files, over time it will just die with IO error. when I keep the transfer size down, it works fine. Funny enough, opera also has a bug with small debian-binary files, sometimes it will not really download them and in the end the installer will choke on a 0 byte file. Downloading it again helps. Weird. > The real fun comes if you use the 770/n800 as a middle man between your laptop/desktop and phone. Create your own ringtones and backgrounds and load them right up. I thought about that, but I'm not much of a phone extra stuff user apart from just using it for actually making phone calls ;) (read: too lazy) > The heck with paying 1.99 for a 15 second capture, or someones bad anime artwork. *grin* Well, you have to give the cell phone carriers the credit for having the idea of selling ringtones in the first place. Who would have thought... ;) > For even more "fun" use fuser You mean FUSE (Filesystems in Userspace), I think? > (to the developers, thanks you got it working faster than I could) then if you have openssh installed (windows, mac or Unix, I've tested windows and linux) you can mount a drive/dir of your desktop and use it as if it were a local drive. Right at the moment I have a 770 that thinks it has 600GB of drive space, and I'm 40 miles away from the parent box. Yeah, mounting is a nice concept :) Too bad GNOME (and KDE) thought inventing their own incompatible layer would be fun. sigh. Actually I looked into adding a nice mount manager to the Nokia 770 file manager somewhen (including ability to use fusermount), but I think the source code wasn't available back then? I wonder... cheers, Danny